Month reading May 2021

The Secret Language of Light Oracle – Denise Jarvie

Now – Who You Are Today – “Healing” –
Right now, healing is taking place to support your understanding of the gifts in your experiences. Weird or difficult circumstances can often be a fast-track path to your desires. Until we recognize subtle imbalances, the best way to clean up outdated beliefs is to have our buttons pushed. Buttons are created by continued attention to unbalanced thoughts, ideas or beliefs. Every time we are reminded of or talk about a hurt, it pushes a button and reopens a wound that we are yet to heal. Wounds are created by mental, spiritual or physical trauma. Poking at them will prolong the healing process. Leave them alone, so balance can be restored, and wholeness can return. Inspired action for healing may include seeing a therapist, consulting a medical professional, or spending time in the ocean. Focusing on what you love is also healing. All is perfect in every moment, even if we can’t see it at the time.

Past – What Occurred in the Past – “Divine Animals” –
Spend time with your pet or in the company of any animal to realize the same light that flows through you flows through all living creatures. We all create different containers for our soul experiences, depending on our individual desires and dreams. Humans experience greater contrast than animals. That is why our influence and creations are wider reaching. However, this also makes it is easier for us to split and stray from our hearts. Animals reflect the divine love that we are. When we are around animals, it is easier to move into alignment, where we can be inspired to grander creations. People often believe they receive unconditional love from an animal. As an animal is more likely to be aligned with its soul instinct and doesn’t need you to be different to who you are for it to feel loved, you will feel free to be who you are. When you emulate this behavior for yourself, life becomes more relaxed, loving and your relationships will catapult to a whole new level of joy.

Future – Your Expectations – “Ask Your Soul”
Something you have asked for will soon turn up in your life. Every time you request something, you plant a seed in your quantum field or vibrational reality, where it begins to grow and move toward you. This is how we create and expand consciousness. Asking is the first step in any creation. It only needs to be about ten percent of the creative process. But somehow, most of us make it about ninety percent. If we don’t see any evidence our desires are coming into existence, we keep asking. This holds us in a place where the answers can’t be heard. What you desire is on its way, you only need to ask once. It doesn’t matter whether this is out loud or in your mind because the Universe interprets vibrations, not words.

Opportunity – The Action to Take – “Awakening” –
You are or about to experience an aha moment. This will come as a feeling of deep truth that seemed to have slipped your mind. You have often thought there must be another way to experience and live this life, and you are about to discover it. You are opening your heart and mind to the full authentic you. Time-honoured ways that have worked in the past are no longer bringing the results you desire and may have become obstacles to your dreams. Beliefs become intermingled with everyday processes and who we think we are. No wonder it can seem hard to let them go. When you rouse from the slumber of conformity, you awaken into the same world, but through the eyes of soul love, you can see beyond fear to the creative possibilities that are everywhere. Relax and enjoy this time – it is your natural evolution.

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