Month reading September 2021

Reading from Oracle of the 7 Energies

Card 1: (the past): The Continuing Energy Still Playing Out in Your Present Situation that Began in the Past – “21. Exposed and Revealed”
Energy 3, yellow, Fire

Key concepts: healing shame, the impostor syndrome, letting go of self-condemnation, freedom from past un resolved wounds, focusing on self-worth, the underlying beauty in rejection

When you experience shame, you don’t just feel you’ve done something wrong; you feel like you are wrong—fundamentally flawed. Know that life loves you, and the universe doesn’t make junk, only magic! However, many social interactions (especially online) are steeped in distorted, unhealthy ways of expressing pain by shaming.

Here is the way out of this: See shame as the heart-wrenching cry for help that it is. Consider whether you could have been triggered in the outer world by unresolved issues that matched all your inner pain points. If someone is shaming you, perhaps you have triggered them. How miserable they must be to expend their energy on such toxicity! They are drinking poison, hoping you will get sick. You cannot love someone out of their shame; you can only show compassion for both them and yourself, set a healthy boundary, and refuse to fan the flames.

Look upon shame as an opportunity for growth, evolution, healing, and freedom. With this in mind, can you let go of your attachment to control? Admit that this emotion isn’t something you have power over, and surrender to a Higher Power. There is a sacred quality to the vulnerability inherent in admitting you can’t do this alone. When you allow yourself to be laid open in this way, you gain a beautiful new perspective. Then the healed shame has the infinite power of the Divine to set you free.

Card 2: (the present moment): The Dominant Energy in Your Life Right Now – “27. A Grand Symphony”
Energy 4, green, Love

Key concepts: inclusivity, being part of the whole, removing bias, seeing the interconnectedness of all, knowing that everything you do has a consequence, unity consciousness, the end of division

As human beings, we have a tendency to see ourselves as separate from others. This perception is the root of the cosmic joke played on us all. Although our five senses and intellect can help us manage our experiences in the material world, and intuition helps us navigate the invisible, we still struggle with the issue of identity and how we fit into the whole.

You’re facing a paradox today: You need to focus on being your unique self, for only you can bring your own special harmony to the symphony of the world. But equally, you need to learn to be selfless and put “we” before “me,” seeing yourself as part of the consciousness that unifies us all.

You’re being invited to step back and see the bigger picture until your individual part on the world stage disappears and blends with the glory of all life. It’s true that who you are and what you do counts in far-reaching ways. Consider this, though: when you listen to music, it’s the whole, not any single note on its own, that makes the song come alive.

So today ask yourself, can you be a part of something bigger? Can you put the principles and needs of the group above your own wants? Can you fully embrace the concept of unity in diversity by celebrating all the notes in the symphony? If so, then you will indeed be wise and whatever you are dreaming about will be fulfilled beyond your wildest hopes.

It’s time to do your part to sing in harmony with others. Stay in tune, and learn the new harmonies and notes. Such sweetness will arise.

Card 3: (what is hidden): The Supportive Energies that have Not Yet Coalesced into Form – “15. Powerful Move”
Energy 3, yellow, Fire

Key concepts: action, movement with purpose, effort, putting into motion your intention, making choices from an empowered and thoughtful place, positive change

The time for rest is over—change is in the air. This is a powerful time when deliberate action is needed to move your intentions out of the realm of thought and into the material, from ideas into action. How do you approach your relationship to the invisible world, as it influences the visible? Do you see the relationship? Do you recognize yourself as a unique, whole, and worthy being who has a special place in the world, whose offerings are valuable, and whose life has meaning? You are a mighty co-creator, so step into that power and see your intentions manifest in the world. Real positive change is possible when you make choices from an authentic sense of self and take a conscious step toward your dreams.

To take steps toward your intended experience, start first with the way you think. Let curiosity be the focus now, and display a willingness to discover new things instead of confirming your past expectations. Be open, be clear about your motives and desires, and set your intention. Then step into the magic just waiting for you to claim it! Traveling, moving, flowing, flying: whatever describes the changes in your life, know that these are called for now. Act with thoughtfulness and awareness, and remember to be true to yourself. What is called for now is “doing the thing that needs to be done.” All will be better than well. What an exciting time indeed!

Card 4: (the obstacle): What Stands in Your Way, Such As a Psychological Attitude or Person – “3. Time Machine”
Energy 1, red, Earth

Key concepts: in herited patterns, conditioning, lessons already learned, cellular memory, honoring the past without being trapped there

We rely on stories we inherit from our ancestors, our families, our culture, and the world around us to construct a map of our reality. As we develop new stories in life, we build on those old foundations, repair them when we can, or tear them down to begin again. The best and most powerful traits and experiences of your ancestors are yours to integrate into your life so you don’t have to revisit their hardships or rectify their mistakes.

You have a magical map with which to navigate your current circumstances. Look to the past for answers now. Ask yourself: In this situation, what can I learn from those who came before me? What traits can I emulate in order to move through this challenge with wisdom? How can I build on what I already know and integrate this understanding? What might I do differently?

Sometimes you walk blindly into traps set in the past. Perhaps you couldn’t see that you were repeating a pattern until you were well in it. The best course of action here is to rest, practice self-compassion, and make a conscious choice to do something differently next time. Clarity will come. Remember that if you do what you always did, you’ll get what you always got. History repeats itself only if you allow it. The most important thing is that you are becoming aware. You can make a different choice regarding how you respond to life right now.

Yes, things can be awkward and uncomfortable as old hurts are revealed and new solutions are attempted. The time is ripe for change, so keep going. Every step is important. Allies will rally, but in the end you are the one you’ve been searching for. One day you will remember how your beautiful new story was just around the corner.

Card 5: (the helpers): What Energy, People, and Synchronicities are Coming to Your Aid; How Things Fall Together – “16. The Royal You”
Energy 3, yellow, Fire

Key concepts: sovereignty, responsibility, self-confidence, self-rule, ownership of your feelings and actions, a quiet sense of empowerment, being self-aware, not allowing outside influences out of alignment with your truth

Do you know what it means to express personal sovereignty in your life? It’s about how you hold to your inner sense of worth and integrity, secure in your belief that you have a unique purpose. It’s about feeling comfortable in your own skin, knowing who you are and that nothing outside you can challenge your authentic self, the hard-won seat of awareness that you have earned.

You are the ruler of your mind, and you’re being invited now to consider what discipline you need to apply to your thoughts. Are they consistent with the values and beauty you intend for your life? It is important now to keep your focus on what is right and good for you as well as others.

Challenges in your life at this time, no matter how large or small, must be met with a measured response. If life sends you a challenge, can you speak up and set your boundaries with grace and surety? Calm, intelligent leadership is called for now. Sovereigns know when to plan their battles, so stay out of unnecessary skirmishes and strategically wield your personal power. Now is the time to lead from the heart, from your authenticity and integrity. Hold your head high and know your worth—that is the mark of a true sovereign.

Card 6: (action): The Best Action to Take Toward Your Goal Right Now – “41. A Higher View”
Energy 6, purple, Light

Key concepts: seeing from a higher perspective, conscious neutrality, letting go of judgment and assumptions, nonattachment, the ability to remain unbiased

Sometimes our lives are suction-cupped to the ends of our noses, and we can’t see beyond ourselves. This happens to everyone once in a while; we fall into an automatic response to life and react from a learned, conditioned place rather than one of awareness. Being in reactivity keeps us repeating old patterns. Conversely, the avoidance of our triggers could keep us in our comfort zone, policing our attempts at new things.

The way to be successful in your endeavor to connect with others is to step out of your sticky perception of the world. Imagine yourself sitting on the back of a bird a thousand feet above your life: Wouldn’t your perspective change? From a higher point of view, you can see for miles. You could let go of naming or blaming the obstacles in your way and instead easily discover a path to more beautiful and compelling vistas.

More can become available to you in all aspects of your life when you are able to step back and get a little distance. You can wait before responding, be more graceful in your interactions, and see how everything is connected and every experience is a gift.

Card 7: (potential outcome): The Likely Outcome, Given Your Current Energetic Path – “33. Ears Wide Open”
Energy 5, sky blue, Sound

Key concepts: deep listening as a gift we give to others, understanding someone else’s needs, showing focused attention, tuning in to another and let ting go of the ego’s need to be hear

The world is constantly speaking to us and offering clues about what is really going on beneath the surface of things. We all have the capacity to hear beyond the noise that reaches our ears. The challenge is when we feel misunderstood and unheard. When we feel insignificant, it’s easy to overexplain ourselves in an attempt to get acknowledged.

Now is the time to let all that go. Offer your attention as the great gift it is. It’s time to stop multitasking, checking your phone, thinking of what you’re going to say next, and doing all the other things that keep you from connecting fully.

Whenever we are in a state of chaos and distraction, paying attention to only some of what is being said, we lose the ability to pick up on everything—including that which is not being said. Deep listening is the way in which we immerse ourselves in the truth of the world. In this way, with ears wide open, we also open our hearts and minds to understand more than what is conveyed through words alone. Opportunities arise from the subtle cues we miss when we are not 100 percent present.

Purposeful, open listening is an act of true respect and intimacy. When you are in this space of receptivity, letting go of the need to be heard or to be right, you become expansive and alert to meaningful potential. Right now, keep your ears wide open, and you will find more than you were searching for.