

Divine Healing
We use Divine Healing/ Vortexhealing® Divine Energy Healing
For an emotional or physical healing session.
one on one treatment. 60 minutes €60

We can do a personal reading for you!
For this we connect and tune in to you while we run Divine energy.
This allows us to pick the cards that are perfect for you at this moment.
We complete the reading by interpreting the cards and give you other extra information we receive.
The resuls will be sent to you in an email. A personal reading (5 cards) by email €60

Photo reading
Send us a photo and your questions by mail.
You will get your answers in mail for €60

1x grouphealing 60 minutes without theme €30
1x grouphealing 45 minutes with theme €30
Look out for our special offers!

Animal healing
1 on 1 treatment, 1 hour €60
Grouphealing for animals 45-60 minutes. Once a month €15, twice a month €20
This is for animals who need a little extra, are older, have pains or emotional problems.
All extra animals in your family get a €5 discount

Advice/Chat consult
Coaching consult for chronic illnesses, Stress and Burn-out, low selfconfidence, insight talks.
30 minutes €30, Only by appointment

Consult previous lives
Do you want some information about your previous lives?
Send us your questions by email €50

Clearing persons and objects
– Removing entities €100
– Energetic quick scan of a house, person or object €30
– House energetic cleaning just for sale house putting love and angels into it €150
– Deep cleaning Vortexhealing®Divine Energy Healing house included people €350

With meet payment on
NL21 ABNA 0474425533


t.n.v. ME. Kerkhoven – de Buck
or PayPal: PayPal.Me/Ghizmo

Our prices are based on treatments from a distance.
For more information or questions, please contact us at