Day and Weekend Reading

The cycles of the moon

Waning moon – Diminishing influence – “OTHERWORLD” –
This is a time when you are passing through a veil that separates the worlds.
This is a time when the thin boundaries between the worlds have dissolved for you, and there is a raw and unfamiliar energy to your world.
When this takes place, we can sometimes fall ill, suffer from a great loss of vital energy, and begin to feel we lose a connection with our minds that is strong.
We can suffer, and in that suffering, we can begin to forget who we once were.
And that, in some ways, is the purpose of this time. Ask yourself, how can this create meaning and depth within my life, when I return to my own reality?
And how can this experience be used to serve others, the planet, and the magickal world?
That will give you great strength, even while you experience the shadowlands of the worlds between the worlds.

Dark moon – The heart of the issue – “THE WEAVER” –
You have free will and you also have a destiny, and the two dance together and form a pattern that is unique to you – and this is your contribution to the web of wyrd.
So consider the choices before you, and choose what is for the highest good of all – what is most honourable, and beyond the personal.
Consider the impact of your choices into the future – and consider the ancestors and what they would feel about your choices.
For you are weaving the world that was … weaving the present moment … and weaving the world that shall be.

New Moon – What is beginning soon? – “BLOODMONTH” –
When we sacrifice, we make something “sacred” by the very act of giving it up.
It is no sacrifice to make an offering that has no value, no meaning to us – and so at this time you are being asked to give, contribute, and offer up something valuable to you in order to receive in return.
With Bloodmonth comes the need to make a deep and earnest decision to give up something that we have held dear – even components of our constructed human personality – to give them up to feed the hungry beings of Bloodmonth, who, although terrifying to gaze upon, will clear and free us in so many ways. From the offerings you make, the future is born.

Waxing moon – What growth to expect? – “VOLVA” –
There are those who can see beyond the present moment, who can see the way the web is woven, and who can connect to its strands and share with others the messages they long to hear.
Such a one is the Volva – a witch, a seer, a woman who can see beyond the physical world.
When she comes to you, you are being asked to connect to your own roots, symbolised by her staff, and you can connect deeply into the earth and begin to listen to the language of the world and to receive its messages.
It is imperative that you honour her and her messages through respectful listening and by making space to act on the guidance given.

Full Moon – What will come about? – “BEFORE THE GATHERING” –
For you, dear one, a celebration is coming – a time to acknowledge the markings and passing of the great turns of the wheel, and for you to gather together with friends, relatives, and significant beings and ask them to unite in a common cause of joy for what has been achieved.
This will be coming for you, and it is in the future, so this card is a great omen of good to come for you. Whatever it may be, it is essential to mark the impending time with joy, applause, and an expression of bounty.
You deserve all that this exciting and exhilarating occasion heralds, for after the effort, comes the reward.

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